
まずは、生物統計関連のジャーナル(学術雑誌)を眺めてみるとよいでしょう。国際的に最も権威のあるジャーナルとしては、Biometrics, Biostatistics, Statistics in Medicine などがあります。日本計量生物学会(http://www.biometrics.gr.jp)の雑誌「計量生物学」も是非ご覧になってください(和文の総説論文が多くあります)。
そこで目につく研究は、なにかしら新しい統計的方法・方法論を開発し、それが既存のものより優れていることを報告したものです。別のタイプの研究としては、特定の疾患領域や医学研究の事例に特化して、たとえ用いる統計的方法自体は既存のものであっても、いままでない適用の仕方やより有効な実践の指針(ガイダンス)等を提案するものです。なお、後者のタイプの研究については、医学へのより直接的な貢献が期待されることから、医学系のジャーナルでの発表をめざすことが多いです(がん領域であれば、J Natl Cancer Inst., Clin Cancer Res., J Clin Oncol.など)。
- Igeta M, Matsui S. Blinded sample size re-estimation in comparative clinical trials with overdispersed count data: Incorporation of misspecification of the variance function. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2021; 13: 170-180.
- Nonaka T, Igeta M, Matsui S. Statistical testing strategies for assessing treatment efficacy and marker accuracy in phase III trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics 2019; 18: 459-475.
- Matsui S, Crowley J. Biomarker-stratified phase III clinical trials: enhancement with a subgroup-focused sequential design. Clinical Cancer Research 2018; 24: 994-1001
- Matsui S. Phase III clinical trial designs incorporating predictive biomarkers: an overview. In Frontiers of Biostatistical Methods and Applications in Clinical Oncology (eds: Matsui S, Crowley J), Springer, 2017
- Igeta M, Takahashi K, Matsui S. Power and sample size calculation incorporating misspecifications of the variance function in comparative clinical trials with over-dispersed count data. Biometrics 2018; 74: 1459-1467
- Toyoizumi K, Matsui S. Correcting estimation bias in randomized clinical trials with a test of treatment-by-biomarker interaction. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2017; 9: 172-179
- Choai Y, Matsui S. Estimation of treatment effects in all-comers randomized clinical trials with a predictive marker. Biometrics 2015; 71: 25-32
- Hirakawa A, Wages NA, Sato H, Matsui S. A comparative study of adaptive dose-finding designs for phase I oncology trials of combination therapies. Statistics in Medicine 2015; 34: 3194-3213
- Matsui S, Choai Y, Nonaka T. Comparison of statistical analysis plans in randomize-all phase III trials with a predictive biomarker. Clinical Cancer Research 2014; 20: 2820-2830
- Matsui S, Simon R, Qu P, Shaughnessy JD Jr, Barlogie B, Crowley J. Developing and validating continuous genomic signatures in randomized clinical trials for predictive medicine. Clin Cancer Res. 2012; 18: 6065-6073
- Matsui S. Stratified analysis in randomized trials with noncompliance. Biometrics 2005; 61: 816-823
- Matsui S. Sample size calculations for comparative clinical trials with over-dispersed Poisson process data. Statistics in Medicine 2005; 24: 1339-1356
- Matsui S. Analysis of times to repeated events in two-arm randomized trials with noncompliance and early withdrawal. Biometrics 2004; 60: 965-976
- 松井茂之, 宇野一, 小山暢之. 中間解析における頻度論的アプローチ:最近の理論的展開. 計量生物学2000; 21巻特集号: 87-124
- Morisawa J, Otani T, Nishino J, Emoto R, Takahashi K, Matsui S. Semi-parametric empirical Bayes factor for genome-wide association studies. European Journal of Human Genetics 2021; 29: 800-807.
- Matsui S. Statistical perspectives in the development and validation of genomic signatures. In Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine (eds. Matsui S, Buyse M, Simon R), CRC Press, 2015.
- Matsui S, Noma H. Estimation and selection in high-dimensional genomic studies for developing molecular diagnostics. Biostatistics 2011; 12: 223-233.
- Matsui S, Zeng S, Yamanaka T, Shaughnessy JD. Sample size calculations based on ranking and selection in microarray experiments. Biometrics 2008; 64: 217-226.
- Kawabata T, Emoto R, Nishino J, Takahashi K, Matsui S. Two-stage analysis for selecting fixed numbers of features in omics association studies. Statistics in Medicine 2019; 38: 2956-2971.
深層学習に代表される現在の機械学習 (≒人工知能) の方法論の多くは、大規模な教師データによるモデルの事前学習が可能であることを前提に作られているといえるでしょう。しかし、医学や材料科学などの多くの領域では、大規模なデータの取得に莫大なコストが必要となることが少なくありません。少ない教師データ数でも効率的な学習を可能とするためには、学習に特に寄与する可能性の高いデータに優先的にラベル付けする方法の開発が重要となります。一方、別の側面として、複数のリソースから類似したデータを取得できる場合が多々あり(例えば、複数の病院で同一疾患の患者のデータを取得するなど)、適切にデータを統合することでモデルの学習が効率的になると期待されます。機械学習の文脈では、前者は能動学習、後者は転移学習と呼ばれ、ホットな研究トピックとなっています。このような背景のもと、スモールデータの効率的な利活用を目指して能動学習および転移学習の方法論開発の研究を行っています。
- Matsui, K., Kumagai, W., and Kanamori, T. (2017). Parallel distributed block coordinate descent methods based on pairwise comparison oracle. Journal of Global Optimization, 69(1), 1-21.
- Matsui, K., Kanamori, K., Kumagai, W., Nishikimi M. and Matsui, S. (2018). A Transfer Learning Method for Multi-Center Prognostic Prediction Analysis. 3rd International workshop on biomedical informatics with optimization and machine learning in conjunction with 27th international joint conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI 2018), Stockholm, Sweden, 13-19, July.
- Matsui, K., Kumagai, W., Kanamori, K., Nishikimi M., and Kanamori, T. (2019). Variable Selection for Nonparametric Learning with Power Series Kernels. Neural Computation, 31:8, 1718-1750.
- Matsui, K., Kusakawa, S., Ando, K., Kutsukake, K., Ujihara T., and Takeuchi, I. Bayesian Active Learning for Structured Output Design, arXiv:1911.03671 (preprint).
- Emoto, R., Kawaguchi, A., Otani, T., & Matsui, S. (2019). A Model-Based Framework for Voxel and Region Level Inferences in Neuroimaging Disease-Association Studies. In 16th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (ITNG 2019), pp. 367-372, Springer.
- Emoto R, Kawaguchi A, Takahashi K, Matsui S. Effect-size estimation using semiparametric hierarchical mixture models in disease-association studies with neuroimaging data. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2020; Article ID: 7482403.
- Matsui S, Igeta M, Toyoizumi K. Biomarker-based phase II and III clinical trials in oncology. In Textbook of Clinical Trials in Oncology. (eds. S. Halabi and S. Michiels), CRC Press, 2019
- Nonaka T, Igeta M, Matsui S. Statistical testing strategies for assessing treatment efficacy and marker accuracy in phase III trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics 2019. (in press)
- Matsui S, Crowley J. Biomarker-stratified phase III clinical trials: enhancement with a subgroup-focused sequential design. Clinical Cancer Research 2018; 24: 994-1001
- Matsui S, Buyse M, Simon R (eds). Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine, CRC Press, 2015
- Matsui S, Nonaka T, Choai Y. Biomarker-based designs of phase III clinical trials for personalized medicine. In Developments in Statistical Evaluation of Clinical Trials. (eds van Montfort K, Oud J, Ghidey W), Springer, 2014
- Matsui S. Genomic biomarkers for personalized medicine: development and validation in clinical studies. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2013; Article ID: 865980
- Matsui S, Simon R, Qu P et al. Developing and validating continuous genomic signatures in randomized clinical trials for predictive medicine. Clinical Cancer Research 2012; 18: 6065-6073.